Norris Dam:
To Build or Not to Build?
About this Project
Norris Dam: To Build or Not to Build? is an interactive classroom activity that provides students with a variety of primary sources to analyze, to discuss in small groups, and to draw conclusions from. It was developed with high school history students in mind but could be used in many different classes.
In 1933, President Roosevelt began implementing the New Deal. One of the first programs he created was the Tennessee Valley Authority, or TVA. Over the next twenty years the TVA dammed much of the Tennessee River Valley. Norris Dam was the TVA’s first project. While the TVA worked hard to consider those living within the valley there were times when it did not, especially in the earlier years. For many years the government had considered building a dam on the future site of Norris Dam, so engineering and geological surveys were already completed. However, due to the tight timeframe the TVA established for Norris Dam,
social and economic studies were not done prior to the start of construction. The TVA justified beginning construction without these studies because of the “urgent need to relieve unemployment.” For future dams, social and economic studies became standard before construction. Since Norris Dam was already underway, those affected were not considered in construction plans. This is where your class comes in. Based on information gathered from primary sources, students will decide if Norris Dam should be constructed.

Students are first divided into five groups, and each group is given a different set of primary sources. As a group, students should examine the sources and decide if Norris Dam should or should not be built. Once students are done discussing, rearrange the groups. The new groups will consist of one or two representatives from each of the previously assigned groups. Students will present their sources and draw new conclusions based on their new group. Once finished, have one or two group members present their conclusions to the class. If groups come to different conclusions, a classwide discussion could ensue. The amount of time needed for this activity is flexible, and can vary from half an hour to hours.

Everything for this activity can be found on the website. The first few pages, “TVA History” and “Norris Dam”, contain brief histories of the TVA and the Norris Dam project. The “Resources” page has additional resources on the TVA and additional primary sources. The step by step directions are on the “In the Classroom” page, as are maps, movies, downloadable copies of all of the primary sources used in the activity, their source material, and a handout for students. The “Students” page gives a very brief explanation of the activity with specific instructions found on the “Directions” page. On each group page are the seven primary sources for the students to analyze. Finally, the Common Core Standards this activity could contribute to are provided on the “Common Core” page. If you have questions, find an issue, or have any feedback, please feel free to contact me by emailing me below. Enjoy!